If it's got to do with turning your programs into a beautiful, conversion-centered, and automated funnel, you are at the right place.

Hi, I'm Maria!

A frustrated digital marketer, crazy dreamer, and founder of Maria Filipina Co. (soon to be Her Funnels Co.!)

Our mission is to build beautiful, conversion-focused funnels that reflect our client’s brand and provide a good user experience.

Ultimately, our goal is to help our clients market themselves smoothly online.

Why I do what I do?

Just over 5 years ago, I was a Chef.

I worked long hours in a hot kitchen, surrounded by the chaos of my fellow cooks and the never-ending stream of customers. It was a very demanding job, but I loved it.

Or, more like, I used to love it…

Because one day, I woke up and realized I would never thrive in my chosen career path. I was tired all the time, and finally, I had the urge of wanting to do something else, something I could be passionate about.

The only thing I know is that I wanted to build a website for blogging and learn more about health and wellness.

So I jumped from one opportunity to the next, looking for the perfect blend…

From trying multi-level marketing,

Starting my online cake business,

To becoming an ESL teacher and even a call center agent,

In fact, I even tried writing an article online, which led to nothing because I was “expecting” to hit a jackpot of readers just from my first few posts. LOL.

Learning a new skill over and over again was definitely NOT a walk in the park.

Despite all this, I remained committed to find out what my passion was.

And from all those experiences, there’s only one thing that did not change, my passion for serving and learning from the Health and Fitness Industry…

  • Back when I used to blog, I originally wanted to write about food and nutrition.
  • I joined a multi-level marketing company (USANA) to promote health and wellness through their nutritional supplements.
  • I joined a fitness community and managed their Facebook page to promote health.
  • I wanted my cake business to be a “healthy” sugar-free cake business for pre-diabetic people.
  • My interest in that field almost led me to consider taking a Personal Trainer Certification or a Precision Nutrition Course.

and this is where my journey to help Health & Fitness Coaches begins...

Because it turns out, God had other plans for me.

Throughout my career path, I always believed having a website would establish my credibility. So, when I discovered that Funnel Designing was a service I could potentially offer, I immediately fell in love with it. I never thought I would find something that could combine two of my passions: websites and the health and fitness industry.

For me, there is nothing more satisfying than creating something that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and user-friendly. I get to build my projects with HTML/CSS coding, bringing them to life in a way that is creative and technically challenging. And what’s even better is that I can help my clients earn passive income through funnels.

So eventually, I became a Funnel Designer for Health and Fitness Coaches. 🙂

Why health and fitness?

I’m passionate about serving Health and Fitness Coaches because their message is vital to helping people live their best lives. They are the people who are committed to helping others live healthier, happier lives. And I’m here to help them reach their full potential by designing funnels to help them grow their businesses.

The idea of designing a funnel for a Health or Fitness Coach, creating something that has the potential to change people’s lives for the better, and knowing that I played a role in helping somebody achieve their health and fitness goals is an incredibly rewarding feeling.

If you’re a Health or Fitness Coach, and you are passionate about helping others and want to make a difference in their lives, then I invite you to book a call with us and see how we can help you grow your business. Together, we can make a difference!



I love everything with cheese. From appetizer to desserts, I could probably eat cheese all day long and be perfectly content!


I love exploring new places. There's something about setting out on a new adventure that just fills me with excitement. ❤️


Whether I’m reading self-help, business, or fiction/fantasy books, for me, reading is a magical experience.





random facts about maria:

  • What is your Zodiac Sign?
  • Favorite All-time Kdrama Series?
    Alchemy of Souls
  • Favorite Anime Category:
  • Live in a City or the Suburbs?
  • What is one club that you participated in at school?
    Flair Bartending Club
  • What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?
    Coron, Palawan
  • Fave holiday season?

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